Chronicles of Kenyan McDuffie "Temporary" Homeless Shelter antics in the 2900 block of 17th St NE

1700 Rhode Island Ave. NE

9 Jan 2021: More trash on the street from shelter resident car dumps.

22 Nov 2020: More trash on the street from car dumps.

15 Nov 2020: Fence broken by shelter resident children, I personally witnessed them jumping on this. They were also breaking branches off my tree in front until I stopped them. The parents just stood there allowing it to happen.

8 November 2020: Shelter residents smoking joints on a public sidewalk. The smell was coming into our house and we had to close the windows it was so putrid. Click to play video

8 January 2020: Shelter residents smoking joints on a public sidewalk. When asked to stop they just stared like we were from outer space. Click to play video.

6 January 2020: People with out of state plates arrive late in the evening; children are kept up late--10pm, 11pm, even midnight we can hear kids yelling on the sidewalk.

5 January 2020: More trash and cigarette butts from shelter residents

One neighbor recently found a used sanitary pad in their yard across from the shelter. Ewww.

2 January 2020: Apalling parenting behavior

One-year-old girl fell face forward while running on the sidewalk and started crying. The mother turned the child over, saw that the girl was fine, and smacked her on the face. . . maybe for not being hurt seriously enough? Or to improve her coordination skills? In general the expletives hurled by the moms toward their kids on a daily basis would make a sailor blush.

25 December 2019: Smoking pot on the sidewalk in front of private homes (happens daily, not just Christmas)

25 November 2019: Parents encourage children to play in private yards, then threaten homeowner

Clip 1, 11:07:56: Children enter yard, mothers see this (right side of video) but do nothing

Clip 2, 11:08:31: Children running around yard, looking into mail slot, yelling

Clip 3, 11:09:44: Passerby yells to children, "Get out there y'all." Two children stay, boy picks up rock 6" in diameter, yells aggressively into face of younger sister. I intervene and tell the boy to, "Please put the rock down and leave the yard."

Clip 4, 11:10:19:

Mother 1: "I am so sorry, my bad. I'm so sorry. They just left their father. My bad. My bad."

Me to Mother 1: "Please control your children."

Mother 2: "They didn't mean it. you ain't got to say it like that."

Me: "Yeah, I do."

Mother 2: "The fuck you don't got to say it like that, I'm gonna break his ass. White ass dick, fuck you. Fucking talk about. Don't talk about no fuckin kids like that. They're kids, like they're kids. Fucking talking about [something] shit out of the way."

For the record, I was talking about the responsibility of the parent to control the children and I was respectful to the children, albeit stern. It's okay to be stern to control behavior. It is NOT okay for a child to raise a rock at anyone or anything.

The emerging pattern of behavior is that parents walk down the street and let or encourage the children to play in neighbor's yards. Thus, the city's nonsensical claims at the BZA hearings that the children will play in the designated play space at the shelter (14' x 14') or in Langdon Park down the street are proven to be patently false. Chairman Frederick Hill certainly knew this at the time and ignored citizen's testimony.

10 November 2019: Because they cannot smoke on premises, shelter residents smoke in front of neighbor properties, where they leave their cigarette butts

Last Updated 11 March 2021